We began a Sunday School series on the Beatitudes from Matthew 5 on August 4, 2024. In this famous opening to the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches about the blessedness that is found in him. Join us at 9:15am in the Sanctuary as we work through this series.
August 4 - The Poor in Spirit - Caleb Willingham
August 11 - Those Who Mourn - Michael Walters
August 18 - The Meek - DB Cummings
August 25 - Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness - Matt Geiger
September 1 - The Merciful - Tripp Wiles
September 8 - The Pure in Heart
September 15 - The Peacemakers
September 22 - Those Who Are Persecuted
For our previous Sunday school recordings, click here.