Singleness, Marriage, and Parenting

01/19/25 - Introduction, Theology of the Family - Nick Batzig
01/26/25 - Singleness - Nick Batzig
02/02/25 - Gender and Sexuality - Matt Geiger
02/09/25 - Marriage - DB Cummings
02/16/25 - Reproduction
02/23/25 - Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
03/02/25 - Wives and Mothers
03/09/25 - Husbands and Fathers
03/16/25 - Communication within Marriage
03/23/25 - Christian Education
03/30/35 - Sexual Purity and Fidelity
04/06/25 - Provision and Protection
04/13/25 - Worship
04/27/25 - Discipline
05/04/25 - Teaching Difficult Truths
05/11/25 - Wayward Children
05/18/25 - Unique Circumstances and Special Needs
05/25/25 - Caring for Aging Children and Aging Parents

The Fruit of the Spirit

09/29/24 - Love - Nick Batzig
10/06/24 - Joy - DB Cummings
10/13/24 - Peace
10/20/24 - Patience - Michael Walters
10/27/24 - Kindness - Matt Geiger
11/03/24 - Goodness - Caleb Willingham
11/10/24 - Faithfulness - Tripp Wiles
11/17/24 - Gentleness - Caleb Willingham
11/24/24 - Self-Control - Michael Walters

The Beatitudes

08/04/24 - The Poor in Spirit - Caleb Willingham
08/11/24 - Those Who Mourn - Michael Walters
08/18/24 - The Meek - DB Cummings
08/25/24 - Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness - Matt Geiger
09/01/24 - The Merciful - Tripp Wiles
09/08/24 - The Pure in Heart
09/15/24 - The Peacemakers - Caleb Willingham
09/22/24 - Those Who Are Persecuted

Miracles: The Signs of the Kingdom

4/14/24 - Introduction to the Miracles - Caleb Willingham
4/21/24 - The Healing of the Paralytic - Nick Batzig
4/28/24 - The Calming of the Storm - Matt Geiger
5/5/24 - The Gadarene Demoniac - Caleb Willingham
5/12/24 - Jairus's Daughter and the Woman with the Flow of Blood - DB Cummings
5/19/24 - The Feeding of the Five Thousand
5/26/24 - Blind Bartimaeus - Caleb Willingham

Parables: Kingdom Mysteries 

1/14/24 - Introduction to the Parables - Pastor Nick Batzig
1/28/24 - The Rich Fool - Tripp Wiles
2/4/24 - The Rich Man and Lazarus - DB Cummings
2/11/24 - The Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price - Pastor Caleb Willingham
2/25/24 - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector - Richard Cooper
3/10/24 - The Good Samaritan - Pastor Michael Walters
3/17/24 - The Prodigal Son - Pastor Caleb Willingham
3/24/24 - The Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids - Pastor Caleb Willingham
4/7/24 - The Talents - DB Cummings

How to Read the Bible: Principles of Biblical Interpretation 

11/26/23 - Understanding the Already/Not-Yet - Pastor Nick Batzig
11/19/23 - Understanding Bible Translations and Resources - Pastor Caleb Willingham
11/12/23 - Understanding the Law/Gospel Distinction - Matt Geiger
11/05/23 - Understanding the Regulative Principle of Worship - Pastor Caleb Willingham
10/29/23 - Understanding Types and Shadows - Pastor Nick Batzig
10/22/23 - Understanding Apocalyptic - Pastor Michael Walters
10/15/23 - Understanding Epistles - Pastor Caleb Willingham
10/08/23 - Understanding Parables - Tripp Wiles
10/01/23 - Understanding Prophecy - Jeff Beall
9/24/23 - Understanding Biblical Poetry - Pastor Caleb Willingham
9/17/23 - Understanding Wisdom Literature - David Walters, Jr.
9/10/23 - Understanding Biblical Narratives - Pastor Michael Walters
9/03/23 - Intro to Hermenuetics - Pastor Nick Batzig

Foundations of the Christian Faith: Introduction to Systematic Theology

6/04/23 - Money and Stewardship - Matt Geiger
5/28/23 - Anxiety and Worry - Matt Geiger
5/21/23 - Marriage and Family - Tripp Wiles
5/14/23 - Prayer - Tripp Wiles
5/07/23 - Evangelism and Missions - Richard Cooper
4/30/23 - Worship - Jeff Beall
4/16/23 - Sacraments: The Lord's Supper - Pastor Michael Walters
4/09/23 - Sacraments - Pastor Michael Walters
3/26/23 - The Means of Grace - DB Cummings
3/19/23 - The Church - Pastor Michael Walters
3/12/23 - Consummation (Final Judgment and Salvation) - David Walters, Jr.
3/05/23 - Assurance of Salvation - DB Cummings
2/26/23 - Ordo Salutis: "Glorification" - Jordan Frizzell
2/19/23 - Ordo Salutis: "Sanctification" - Jared Murrell
2/12/23 - Ordo Salutis: "Adoption" - DB Cummings
2/05/23 - Ordo Salutis: "Justification" - Tripp Wiles
1/29/23 - Ordo Salutis: "Faith and Repentance" - Pastor Michael Walters
1/22/23 - Ordo Salutis: "Regeneration" - David Walters, Jr.
1/08/23 - Ordo Salutis: “Election” - Jared Murrell
12/11/22 - History of the Westminster Standards - DB Cummings
12/04/22 - Application of Redemption - DB Cummings
11/27/22 - The Holy Spirit - Pastor Nick Batzig
11/20/22 - The Person and Work of Christ - Pastor Nick Batzig
11/13/22  - The Covenant of Grace - Pastor Nick Batzig
11/06/22 - Original Sin - DB Cummings
10/30/22 - The Fall - Jeff Beall
10/23/22 - Covenant of Works - Pastor Michael Walters
10/16/22 - Doctrine of Man - DB Cummings
10/02/22 - Creation - DB Cummings
9/25/22 - Trinity - Jared Murrell
9/18/22 - Attributes of God (Part 2) - Pastor Michael Walters
9/11/22 - Attributes of God (Part 1) - Pastor Michael Walters
9/04/22 - Revelation - DB Cummings


DB Cummings
Beatitudes (Part 1)
Beatitudes (Part 2)
Salt & Light
Fulfill, Not Abolish
Anger & Lust
Oaths & Retaliation
Loving Your Enemies and Living With the Father
Lord's Prayer
Vision Choices

Hebrews 11

Dean Walters
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5


DB Cummings