FALL/WINTER 2024 Upcoming Events
Small Group Launch Cookout (Friday, September 13 @ 5-7:30pm) – We are planning on grilling burgers and hotdogs on the church property for a churchwide, small group launch cookout. This event will also be a time for us to talk about the details related to launching small groups in October. We plan on having games to play outside (e.g., cornhole, bocce ball, spike ball, etc.) If you are planning on attending, please RSVP with Caleb Willingham at caleb@church-creek.org. We will also be sending out an email signup link via CCPLife.
Men’s Breakfast and Study - The men of CCP meet on select Saturday mornings in the Fellowship Hall for a Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study. The men will meet on September 7, October 19, and November 16. They are currently working through Dr. Bob Godfrey’s Ligonier teaching series on the book of Revelation. Men can jump into these studies at any time, whether they have attended in the past or not.
Women’s Fall Bible Study – The women’s morning (9:30AM) and evening (6:30PM) Bible studies will begin meeting every other Wednesday starting on September 11. They will be studying Habakkuk: Learning to Live By Faith by Lydia Brownback.
New Members/Inquirers Class (Saturday, September 21 @ 9AM-12PM) – Pastor Batzig will be leading a new members/inquirers class for all who are wanting to join the church or are interested in learning more about our congregation. This will be an expedited new members class. If you are interested in coming to this meeting, please email Claire Gottshalk at office@church-creek.org and let her know your level of interest.
Officer’s Retreat (September 26-28) – From Thursday, September 26 to Saturday 28, 2024, the elders and deacons will meet for our annual CCP officer’s retreat. The purpose of this annual meeting is to strengthen relationships among the officers of CCP, finalize the prospective budget for the forthcoming year, work together on important matters regarding the growth and development of the members of the church, and discuss the vision and mission of the church. This year, the officers will be meeting on Pawleys Island, SC. We anticipate this being a fruitful time together praying and planning for the care of the congregation.
Fall Youth Event (Friday, October 4 @ 6-8PM) - On Friday, October 4, from 6:00-8:00pm, all 6th-12th graders are invited to join us for an evening of fellowship and study at the Stones' house. We will share a meal and some s'mores together, enjoy a time of fellowship and recreation, and open God's Word, in order that we might draw nearer to Christ and to one another. We invite you to come, to invite friends, and to grow in grace and truth together! If you are interested in attending, please RSVP using this link.
The Stones' address is 6 McDougall Dr., Charleston, SC 29414.
Women’s Pickleball & Potluck (Saturday, October 5 @ 2-5PM) – The women of CCP are invited to Robin Cooper’s home for a time of fellowship, snacks, pickleball, and tennis. If you are interested in attending, please email Lindsay Wiles at lindsaywiles@yahoo.com.
Young Adults Fellowship Night (Friday, October 11 @ 6-8PM) - On October 11, from 6:00-8:00pm, young singles and couples are invited to a night of food and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. We will provide a meal, we'll have a short devotional, and we'll play some games and spend time getting to know one another. Bring your favorite indoor and outdoor games and a healthy appetite. We hope to see you there! If you plan to attend, please RSVP using this link.
Service Sunday Fellowship Meal (Sunday, October 20) - Please join us after the Morning Worship Service for a fellowship meal and a time to hear about opportunities for members to serve at CCP.
Service Training Saturday (Saturday, October 26) - Please join on Saturday, October 26, from 9:00 to 10:30am for a morning of service training for all of our volunteers and ministry team members. Please set this date aside if you participate or would like to participate in service ministry at CCP.
Joint Evening Worship Service (Sunday, October 27) - We will have a joint Evening Service with other area PCA churches on Sunday, October 27, at 5:30pm at Redeemer Presbyterian Church (43 Wentworth Street). A dessert reception will follow immediately after the service. If you have any questions about directions or parking, please email Claire at office@church-creek.org.
Thanksgiving Worship Services (Sunday, November 24) – We will spend time in both the morning worship service and evening prayer and praise service thanking God for the many ways He has provided for us. We would love for you all to bring any family members who may be visiting to these services.
Women’s Christmas Cookie Exchange (December 7 @ 10AM) – The women of CCP are invited for a cookie exchange in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00am. More details to follow!
Christmas Eve Service (Tuesday, December 24) – Please join us for a Christmas Eve Service at Church Creek PCA. This service will be in the place of the Lessons & Carols Service that we have held in the past. This service is a special time to celebrate the incarnation of the Son of God. We encourage all members to invite family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers to this event. It is our prayer that this service will be a blessing to the congregation and community at large.